786Shop.com is an online shopping website by Tuhfa.
Tuhfa is dedicated to provide a rewarding online shopping experience for
its users. An online fashion store that has been online for more than
ten years now, 786shop.com has earned its name in online retail market
primarily due to quality products and top-class services. 786shop.com is
one stop store for all kind of Pakistani and Indian clothing, foot wear
and much more. Tuhfa reflects a deep desire to care, to love and to
cherish our relationships. Our connoisseurs search far and wide to find
you the best products. We only offer carefully selected products, chosen
to enhance your shopping experience.
About the number 786:
The number 786 is the total value of the letters of "Bismillah al-Rahman
al-Rahim". It is only an application of the principles of numerology.
The practice of replacing "Bismillah" with 786 should be discouraged.
The number 786 does not replace the actual words in any case.
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Reviews Section.
We only allow 100% secure online transactions. Read more.
Pakistan Office:
(Deals in all shipments and product manufacturing)
88 K (1st floor)
Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.